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    阿提哈德航空公司(阿拉伯语:الإتحاد‎ / al-ittiḥād,指“联盟”,英语:Etihad Airways)是阿拉伯联合酋长国的国家航空公司,总部设在阿联酋首都阿布扎比,于2003年11月开始商业运营,是阿联酋第二大航空公司,仅次于总部位于迪拜的阿联酋航空。同时也是中东第四大航空公司。董事会主席为哈米德·本·扎耶德·纳哈扬(HH Sheikh Hamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan)殿下。阿提哈德航空是阿拉伯航空运输组织会员之一,也是曼彻斯特城足球俱乐部的赞助商之一,还运营阿提哈德假日及阿提哈德货运两个商业分支机构,两者分别于2004年5月和2004年9月开始商业运营。


    2013年,阿提哈德航空实现总收入61亿美元,同比增长27%;净利润6200万美元,同比增长 48%;旅客运输量 1150 万人次,同比增长 12%;可用座公里(ASK)达 711 亿公里,同比增长 17%;平均客座率 78%,与 2012 年持平;货运收入达9.3亿美元,同比增长 30%;货运量 48.7 万吨,同比增长 32.3%。


1. Minimum age 21 years

2.Fluent in english verbal,written and comprehension . fluent in another language is an advantage

3.Must be confident in water and be able to swim with the aid of a flotation devices

4.Able to reach 210cms without shoes

5.No tattoos that would be visible whilst wearing the etihad uniform bandages and cosmetic coverings are not permitted )

6.No body piercings that would be visible whilst wearing the etihad uniform,other than one earring in the lower lobe of each ear for females only bandages and cosmetic coverings are not permitted )

7.Educated to a minimum level of accredited secondary education or equivalent

8.Never convicted of a criminal offence

9.Excellent personal presentation style and image

10.Strong interpersonal and communication skills

11.Willing to comply with uae and gcaa visa , medical and health screening requirements
