1.Please introduce yourself first.
2.When was Air New Zealand founded?
3.When did Air New Zealand open the routes to shanghai?
4.Please list 5 destinations of Air New Zealand.
5.How many routes are there from shanghai to Auckland in a week?
6.Why do you want to join Air New Zealand?
7.Could me tell me something about your work experience?
四个考官对一个候选人面试,每个人的面试时间为30分钟左右。 部分复试环节考题参考: 1.Please introduce yourself first. 2.Why do you want to be a cabin crew member? 3.What's the biggest the challenge do you think you will face after you join NZ? 4.What qualities do you think a cabin crew member should have? 5.What kind of skills do you think is helpful to this job from your past work experience? 6.Have you meet difficult customer before, how did you deal with? 7.If you meet a passenger who press the call button in the in the middle of the night, but he can’t speak English, how can you find his needs and help him? 8.Did you have some good customer service before which made customer satisfied, please give an example. 9.Have you done some efforts to help your colleagues correct his mistake before? Give an example. 10.Do you have any regret in your work, and what do you learn from it? ......复试
面试形式:笔试+小组讨论+角色扮演(role play)+游泳测试 。 ①笔试环节: 分两部分试卷,新西兰小测试和英语测试,共计45分钟。英语测试为35道选择,时间为35分钟,选择题形式:包括情景类问题,阅读理解,算数题;新西兰小测试为28道选择题,时间为10分钟。 PS:关于新西兰的小测试,请各位童鞋提前记住百度百科,不然到时写不出啦~ ②小组讨论: 每5-6人一组,考官为3-4人。情景设定:某先生第一次带妻子和小孩来上海游玩,你们5个人是航班上的空乘,帮他推荐5个在上海必去的地方,并说明原因。请在5分钟内各自考虑5个答案写在各自的纸上,再5分钟小组讨论确定5个最终的去处并探讨理由。最后8分钟做presentation。 ③角色扮演(role play): 4个考官一个房间,考官会设定一个机上场景,然后其中一个扮演成乘客不停challenge你,其余3个考官观察你。 参考场景: 1. 登机的时候,有一个醉酒的乘客一定要登机,你如何处理。 2. 飞机上有个中国旅行团,他们只吃鸡肉米饭。但此时飞机上只有鱼肉土豆了,你怎么处理。 3.飞机满舱,有个小婴儿突然哭了,周围乘客都在抱怨,你怎么处理。 三个场景考官会随机问,15分钟之后考官会当场给一些反馈,然后告诉你最好的处理方式是什么。 ④游泳测试: 在上海宏安瑞士酒店的泳池,泳池长20米。要求在2分钟内游一个来回(泳姿不限),游到尽头也不能停,只能用手轻轻触碰池壁转身,脚不可以蹬。终选