1.女生: a.请着正装,黑色亚光皮鞋(矮跟、表面无装饰),并自备白色短袖衬衫、及膝正装裙(不穿丝袜)形象面试环节前请换装。 b.请盘发、露出额头; c.形象面试环节请勿着浓妆、美瞳、假睫毛、佩戴眼镜(身体初检环节建议佩戴相应度数的框架眼镜)。 2.男生: a.请着正装、白色衬衫、黑色皮鞋; b.请勿佩戴框架及隐形眼镜。着装要求
1.初检通过的人员就被分批带到面试现场外排队等候,5~10一组。 2.换装环节。(视面试现场人数而定) 3.在屋外拿到自我介绍的要求并准备。 4.排队进入后向考官依次进行自我介绍,转身,走姿站姿,考官会根据自我介绍和简历进行少数提问。 字条内容参考:姓名、年龄、籍贯、父母职业、身高、体重、毕业院校、英语等级、有无工作经验等。 HOPEWAY小提示: 大家都知道,这一关是国航最重要也是淘汰率最高的环节,别看一组只有3-5分钟,考官们就能选出大致复合国航气质要求的人。笑容、说话的语气、亲和力都是加分项。形象面试(初试)
身高部分: 底限女生是163cm,男生173cm,压身高是可能的,测身高的老师一般在测后浮动1cm之内都会给面试机会哦! 视力部分: 女生:矫正视力C字表0.5以上,矫正视力是指可以佩戴隐形或者框架眼镜进行测量。所以大家一定在面试前到正规眼镜店测一下C字表并选择适合自己的眼镜。 男生:裸眼视力C字表0.7以上,裸眼视力是不可以佩戴任何眼镜测量,但面向应届大学生时,据以往经验还没有做视力手术的男生们,在达到矫正视力0.7以上的前提下也是可以给面试机会的哦!(这点类似于允许现场报名和候补网筛) 通过初试的同学一般凑齐8-10人一组: 1.先是简短的英文自我介绍 2.考官会分配一半正方、一半反正进行中英文辩论。 3.辩论之后可能会根据题目再进行提问,以考察英文水平。 4.选人进行广播词朗读。 ☞ 国航辩论部分考题参考: 1. High school students should study abroad, or not? 2. We should celebrate western festivals, or not? 3. Books will be replaced by e-book, or not? 4. Live in the dormitory and rent a house during the university,whichis better? 5. Do you want to cancel examinations of university? 6. Entity shopping and online shopping, which is better? 7. Have young people need to follow the tide? 8. Parents send their children into a famous school is good? 9. The positive and negative effects of stress. 10. To be a rich man will make you feel more happy, do you think so? 11. Students should learn from books or practice? 12. Education or work experience which one is more important? 13. Should we smoking in public area? 14. Countryside and city, which will make you feel happier? 15. Do you think students should wear school uniform in school? 16. Do you think we should try hard to get people to like you? 17. Do you prefer DIY or package tour? (New) 18. Which one is better, to buy a house or rent one?(New) 19. Do you think lose weight should be encourged or not?(New) 20. Do you think we should show our wechat moments to our parents or not?(New) 21.Do you think puppy love is good or not?(New) 22.Which one is better, freelance work or regular job?(New) ...... ❤ 广播词示例 ❤ PART 1 WELCOME Ladies and Gentelmen, Welcome aboard Air China,a proud Star Aliance member.This flight is CA____to_____. We feel grateful to all passengers and PhoenixMiles members for your business, and you are very much welcome to join the PhoenixMile, our frequent flyer program. As we are preparing for take off, please fasten your seatbelt, switch off your mobile phone and any kind of electronic devices. Highly appreciated for your patience and understanding during the waiting time. Here we have for you a video explaining the safety features of the aircraft. We hope you will enjoy the flight and wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you. PART 2 PRIOR TO TAKE-OFF Ladies and Gentlemen, Our plane will be taking off shortly. Please confirm that your seatbelt is securely fastened and your electronic devices are completely switched off. Thank you. PART 3 DOMESTIC ORDER OF SERVICE Ladies and Gentlemen, It is______day. Wish you happy_______. Our plane has left ______ for______ . The distance between ______ and ______ is _______ kilometers and the flight time is _______ hour(s) and _______ minutes. We are expected to arrive at our destination at about ________ (AM/PM). * Code Sharing Flight This is a code sharing flight with _______ (name of airline). Please keep your seatbelt fastened when you are in your seat, in case, we encounter, any unexpected turbulence. Smoking is prohibited throughout the flight. All mobile phones must be switched off during the flight. We will soon be serving ______ (breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack/refreshment/brunch). A complete selection of beverages will accompany the service. * Enjoy our in-flight programs. Select the audio channel that corresponds to the program you will be watching. If you need any assistance, please let us know. We hope you will enjoy the flight. Thank you! HOPEWAY小提示: 这一关的面试形式虽然有些难,但是淘汰率不高,测试英文的同时也是团队配合考察。大家切忌因为害怕和紧张而一句话都不说。英文不好的同学可以用真题模拟或者读广播词来提高通过率。 这一关是机考两套题,168+50, 时间是20min+20min,完全来的及答完。放松,随心去答就好。结果也是区间的,通过的直接终审,未通过的参加素质访谈。 素质访谈是一对一的形式,考官的问题90%来自你的简历。HOPEWAY建议所有的学员,无论你想面试哪个公司,都要把针对自己问题准备好,答题方向很重要。考官会刨根问底,并且观察你应对紧急情况的反应。 ☞ 素质访谈高频问答汇总: 1.你家里人支持你做空乘这份工作吗? 2.你怎么理解服务,什么是好的服务? 3.我们为什么要录用你? 4.你希望国航能给你带来什么? 5.为什么选择空乘这份职业? 6.为什么想要加入国航? 7.谈谈你对空乘这份工作的理解? 8.你觉得作为一名优秀乘务员应该具备什么样的素质? 9.你为什么要从上一份工作离职? 10.你最大的缺点是什么? 11.如果你看到一位老人摔倒了,你会怎么做?(情景式问题) 12.公交车上你旁边的乘客讲话声音太大,打扰了正在睡觉的乘客,你会怎么办?(情景式问题) 13.飞机上有客人脱鞋子有异味,如果你是一名乘务员,你会如何处理? 14.飞机上有客人说自己的钱包掉了,如果你是一名乘务员,你会如何处理? ...... 这一关就是验伤疤啦,几位考官会每个人仔细检查!先问你两个问题“有没有纹身?”“有没有外伤史”,然后从头到脚盯着你看。不要被吓到了,保持自然的微笑!如果你被考官选为待定的人员,一定注意如何应变。所以有一点瑕疵的同学需要提前做好准备哦。体格初检(身高、视力测量)